

Flora : More than 450 plant species have been recorded. Aquatic plants with unique physiological adaptation are Water Primrose (Ludwigia alscendens) and Bladderwort (Utricularia australis) . Biogeographically important as representatives of the Indo Malayan realm are Sal (Shorea robusta) and Myrobalan (Terminalia alata) . Threatened plant species include the endangered Orchid (Aerides odorata) , religiously important and threatened Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) , and rare wild rice (Hygrohiza aristata) . Fauna : The fauna comprises lower risk species on the IUCN Red List like Ferruginous Duck (Aythya nyroca) , Grey-headed fish eagle (Ichthyophaga ichthyaetus) , and Asiatic Rock Python (Python molurus) . Further rare species include the lizard (Varanus flavescens). In total 29 fish species have been recorded including the  threatened   Puntius chola   and the endemics   Notopterus   notopterus  and  Oxygaster bacaila . Around 140 partly    migrating bird species inhabit the ar


Ghodaghodi Area Conservation Different place have different Resources. Same as Ghodaghodi Area has its own kind of resources that makes its amazing environment by itself. Ghodaghodi Area is fully covered with Natural Resources. Natural Resources means those resources which are naturally available in the environment including land, climate, Water, forest, minerals, air, , etc. Ghodaghodi lake is  surrounded by dense forest and wide range of surface of fresh water. It is our natural capital. Did you know that  forests are called the lungs of the environment? They are a factory of  oxygen  and several other important natural resources.  Can humans live without their lungs?   Similarly,  the  environment  t oo would not survive without  forests . Forest safe water and tree Ghodaghodi area is rich in Forest resources from the past. Forest resources are considered  perquisites for development of better environment. Following are the necessary things to have a


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Ghodaghodi Lake हाम्रो घोडाघोडी Home Gallery About Us Location Contact Us Ghodaghodi Lake According to Wikipedia, Ghodaghodi Tal is a Ramsar site in western Nepal. Established in August 2003 it covers an area of 2,563 ha (6,330 acres) in Kailali District at an altitude of 205 m (673 ft) on the lower slopes of the Siwalik Hills.This Ramsar site consists of a system of around 13 large and shallow oxbow lakes and ponds with associated marshes and meadows. It is surrounded by tropical deciduous forest and some streams along the periphery, which are separated by hillocks. SNo. Links 1 Ghodaghodi Lake 2 views of Ghodaghodi 3 Conservation of Ghodaghodi Area 4 Ghodaghodi view Tower 5 Risk factors 6 Gallery 7 Important as bird area